We’re leavin’ together
But still it’s farewell
And maybe we’ll come back
To Earth, who can tell?
I guess there is no one to blame
We’re leaving ground (leaving ground)
Will things ever be the same again?
I played piano at a friend’s wedding that took place in Stern Grove in San Francisco. It wasn’t the first time I’d ever played piano for a wedding; I’ve been doing that since I was about 13 years old, with my first performance at my mom and Carl’s wedding. I played Bach’s “Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring”. If you’ve ever heard or know this piece, it never ends. Ever. Ever ever. It just goes and goes and goes. At 13, I had no sense of the fact that I was just playing for the walk down the aisle… I was playing to hear myself play. Kind of funny when I think about it. Anyway, the last wedding I played with this wedding in Stern Grove, for my friends TJ and Meghan. She had picked out “Lo, How A Rose E’er Blooming” by Franz Schubert. He decided he was going to also walk down the aisle before her, and I was to play a “classical” version of “The Final Countdown” by Europe. Still one of the funniest things I’ve ever done, morphing this silly 80’s piece of music into classical, and I swear not that many people were aware of it at that time.
Anyway, this song has been going through my brain since October 1. We’re in the final three weeks of living in Port Townsend, living amongst much of the stuff we’ve surrounded ourselves over the years, and heading off into a life of who knows… who knows if it will work out, who knows how it will feel, who knows if the boat will be big enough, who knows? And I keep reminding myself that in reality, you just never do know anyway, so really who knows?

Yesterday morning, I had a weird adverse reaction to getting rid of our couch. IT’S JUST A COUCH. But, I like it and it’s comfortable and we’ve had it less than a year. I don’t think it actually had anything to do with the couch. I think it was the sudden “it’s time to let it go” that I had not planned for, even though I know that it’s coming. Also, we can’t land back in the Bay Area until Halloween weekend, so I had to push everything out a week. Not a big deal, gives us more time to get together with people we want to see up here. Just a lot of logistics.
lo·gis·tics/ləˈjistiks/ noun: logistics
- the detailed coordination of a complex operation involving many people, facilities, or supplies.
This operation is quite complex. Some stuff is going away, some is going into long-term storage, some is coming with us to the Bay Area (and even some of that is coming back up here into storage when it’s time to leave the Bay Area by boat), some is getting sold to neighbors, some is going into the garage sale this weekend, and some we’re giving to our favorite people. We have a staging area in the now empty guestroom with multiple piles, so at least we can continue to live in here without it driving me bonkers (I’m one of those people who hates disorganization; it drives me nuts.)
And in other news…
David spends his days packing and working in his shop when it’s not raining outside (winter is here btw). I’ve been trying to focus on work. David has been cooking every night within the weight loss plan I’m following, and as a result we’ve both lost weight. I’m almost 20 pounds down, and he’s probably close to 20 pounds down too. Last weekend we went to Eugene, Oregon to visit David’s sister Wendy, and enjoyed visiting a winery in the Willamette Valley. We’ll be heading north from the Bay Area to visit her regularly. On the way back we stopped to see our friends Michael and Sylvia at their new two story houseboat on one of the rivers just outside of Portland in the small town of Scappoose. As lovely as that place is, it made Port Townsend look like a metropolis.
Onward. Uncomfortable. Too bad so sad nevermind it, it’s ok. Moving forward. It always works out. My pal Pam says I have a lucky cloud over my head. I’m counting on that.
“Taking on a challenge is a lot like riding a horse, isn’t it? If you’re comfortable while you’re doing it, you’re probably doing it wrong.” ~ Ted Lasso
You got this girl!
Lucky cloud. 🙂